Friday, March 25, 2011

12. Humanoid robot on space station

NASA's humanoid robot unveiled on space station - NASA, February 24th 2011

In February 2011 NASA launched first ever human-like robot to space to become a permanent resident of the International Space Station. The 300-pound Robonaut 2, or R2 consists of a head and a torso with two arms and two hands. The dexterous robot not only looks like a human but also is designed to work like one. With human-like hands and arms, R2 is able to use the same tools station crew members use. Testing this robot inside the station will provide to its designers important data about its ability to operate in microgravity, and general usefulness in the space station environment.

I was impressed by this article, because I frequently think that human beings confined to a spece station limited space and spending there months and sometimes years should eventually be replaced by robots like this one. Humans should only visit space stations for the short periods of time, avoiding exposure to cosmic rays and extremely lo gravity conditions.

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