Friday, March 25, 2011

14. Tourists in Space

Boeing, Space Adventures to market commercial space flights -, Sep 15, 2010

Boeing and Space Adventures announced an agreement to market commercial rides to low Earth orbit aboard a Boeing capsule now in development. Boeing built a 7-person Crew Space Transportation-100 spacecraft designed to launch atop United Launch Alliance's Atlas V and Delta IV rockets and SpaceX's Falcon 9, which have pads at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Space Adventures has flown seven spaceflight participants to the space station aboard Russian made Soyuz spacecraft.

This, as far as i know, is the first attempt to create a commercially viable business enterprise related to outer space. If successful, it might give a boost to the space research, especially if there would be a competition among several companies. Space research is beneficial to many other scientific endeavours as it requires advances in material science, communications, computers, fuel chemistry and other areas of research.

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