NASA Scientist Explains Science Behind 'Supermoon' Phenomenon -, 13 March 2011
This article explains the "supermoon" phenomenon, which is, essentially, is a situation when the moon makes its closest approach to Earth. As it happens, on March 19th the moon was at its closest in 18 years. Some astrologers linked the "supermoon" situation to the earthquake in Japan and other natural disasters, but the scientists assure that this is not the case: according to the most detailed studies, the effects on Earth from a supermoon are minor. The amount of energy, stored within Earth's outer shell or crust is huge, and the forces, exerted by the moon are minor in comparison, and they can't have noticable effect.
This article, essentially, shows that astrology makes statements not based on science, and we should always check scientific sources when dealing with such natural phenomena like tsunami and earthquakes. Sometimes we're inclined to pay attention to unreliable sources, causing panic and misunderstanding, which is especially dangerous when people start making predictions. Making predictions is very difficult, especially about the future.
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